Tag Archives: dupe

I really don’t know clouds at all


We ferried over to Salt Spring to visit a friend this last weekend. The island is small with a couple windy roads that take you through the moss covered forests to the bays and inlet villages.  The island is cultivated in a way that reminds me of the British countryside with the same idyllic farm life and prolific lichen but with an intense creative side. The island is full of artists of all kinds and it appears that whatever a Salt Springer chooses to do, they do with beauty in mind.

Ultimately it is an ideal mini-holiday for someone with my interests: Good food, inspiring art, a killer back massage, and the best damn coffee I have ever had.  There is no sacrificing for the country life on Salt Spring – expect perhaps the bright lights and hussle and bussle of the city.  To take it to the next level I bought a Joni Mitchell CD for the car. Awww yissss.

To top it off  my friend has a wood burning fireplace to knit by, complete with two extremely fluffy Persian cats. Knit in paradise much?  While shopping in Ganges I stopped at Elderberry Yarns and picked up all the things I had been looking for and didn’t find anywhere else.  It’s like they were all waiting for me in an adorable sea side knitting shop. I found tiny and cheap wooden buttons and even some cape clasps. The luck continued when my friend volunteered to model some of my finished projects.


Kaya back tall 1

kaya tall 2

I’ve knitted two Claire’s Capelets by Shelly Wescott so far but they are so fun to make I know there will be a third. Especially now that I have cape clasps.  If you love Outlander you may have noticed this capelet on Claire as she runs around the Scottish countryside. Knitters watching the show certainly did and I am surprised there are only 27 projects currently listed on Ravelry for Shelly’s pattern as it is a perfect dupe for the TV version.  My next Shelly Westcott pattern will be the Moto Vest.

Also pictured are the Vancouver Fog gloves I adore knitting. These blue ones are the shorter version of the red pair I knitted in the fall.



Thanks for a beautiful weekend in your beautiful company my friend!